In the fall of 2012, the Richmond Promise Neighborhood program launched an Action Team model. The model consists of five Action Teams, each concentrating on a theme that community members selected as significant for the East End. Through the Action Teams, resident leaders, service providers, and other stakeholders are working side-by-side to support our children and families through the Action Team model. The Action Teams focus on:

  • Early Childhood Education
  • 2nd through 8th Grade Education
  • High School to Career
  • Health and Wellness
  • Housing

Action Teams’ purpose:

  1. To support families in the Promise Family Network via direct connection and access to resources, programs and services.
  2. To be the first point of contact for collaborative initiatives in the one square mile area surrounding Peter Paul Development Center: the Promise Neighborhood community.

Action Teams serve as the conveners for collaborative initiatives in the Peter Paul community and meet as needed throughout the year. Quarterly, all five teams call together for a group meeting.

If you would like to learn more about our Action Teams, please contact Adrienne Cole Johnson at or 804-780-1195.