The Promise Academy provides information and training for those who live and work in the Richmond Promise Neighborhood (RPN) service area. The initial courses brought together residents and service providers in sessions focused on culture awareness and competency to build stronger bi-directional interactions. The Academy is also used to promote resident engagement through relationship building and community connections. All information and education opportunities are housed under the Promise Promise Academy_imgAcademy.

Educational opportunities offered through the RPN Promise Academy include:

  • Mental Health First Aid for Youth – an in-person training that teaches how to help people challenged by a mental illness or in an emotional crisis.
  • Strengthening Families – a seven week program for families with children ages 10-14 on parenting skills, children’s life skills, and family life skills training.
  • Rebounding Strong is a session that provides parents, volunteers and service providers with recovery strategies after directly experiencing trauma or experiencing “second hand” trauma from others’ experience. Facilitators from the Trauma Informed Care Network along with community volunteers share tools to mend one’s spirit.
  • Real Food; Real Simple is a six-week cooking series designed to introduce participants to eating and preparing nutritious food at home.
  • Credit Recovery and Money Management is designed to equip participants with the tools they need to make informed decisions about their finances and strategies to begin building their credit.

Promise Academy supports the capacity building philosophy of Richmond Promise Neighborhood at Peter Paul Development Center focused on building competency, confidence and connections for those who live in and those who work in the RPN service area.