A valuable tool in working with our families has been the Strengthening Families Program (SFP). SFP is an internationally recognized program for families, which uses evidence-based curriculum to improve parenting skills, reduce problem behaviors, and improve social competencies and school performance. The seven week program is a perfect fit for Peter Paul’s Parent Family Network (PFN), aIMG_2138 network that now boasts fourteen members. The majority of parents in the PFN participated in the most recent Strengthening Families Program here at the Center. Over seven weeks, participants met on Tuesday nights from 6:00 – 8:30 pm to gain valuable information from facilitators. The sessions focused on topics including:

  • Using Reward Systems with Children
  • Best-Practice Communication Strategies
  • How to Love Your Child by Setting Limits (Love and Limits)
  • Defining Family Values

The Strengthening Families Program is considered to be a foundational part of the PFN. With a majority of current PFN families having completed the program, the next step will be to develop a family plan. These plans will be completed through an engaging process of discovery and goal setting. We share a special thank you to our partner, Richmond Behavioral Health Authority, for allowing our Outreach Coordinator, Adrienne Johnson, and Angela Roberts of CIS of Richmond to be trained as facilitators for this program. Peter Paul is now equipped to continue this program for future members of the Parent Family Network.

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