Keishawn Harris and the Scholastic Standout Award


Recipient of Fairfield Court Elementary’s annual Scholastic Standout Award, Keishawn Harris, poses with his PPDC teacher, Ms. Bailey.

Keishawn Harris has been a model student from the day he stepped foot in Fairfield Court Elementary School in Kindergarten. He has exemplified poise and exceptional manners throughout all of his elementary years; so it was no surprise that he received the honor of Scholastic Standout for the 2014-2015 academic year. Keishawn’s character can be described as quiet, respectful, and trustworthy. This is Keishawn’s first year with Peter Paul at Fairfield Court Elementary and in a typical after school session, Keishawn likes completing homework and assisting others with theirs. Keishawn’s Peter Paul teacher, Ms. Bailey, has nothing but praiseworthy things to say about him. “I have witnessed Keishawn sprout into a mature rising 6th grader, ready to tackle the world, one book or lesson at a time,” she shared. When asked if Keishawn could share some influential words to his classmates, he stated “Always respect your parents, elders, and each other. Study hard and the rest will fall into place. I wish you the best of luck in your future!” We know Keishawn has a very bright future ahead of him and we celebrate him for this outstanding achievement.







Sanaa Hayes and a Perfect Score

Sanaa Hayes

Sanaa Hayes recently received her certificate for achieving a perfect score on the Standards of Learning exam last school year.

Sanaa Hayes is a 5th grader here at Peter Paul and we are celebrating her for her perfect score on the Standards of Learning exam last year. Sanaa is very involved with theater, is captain of Safety Patrol, and a phenomenal student. She has been a participant at PPDC since 2nd grade. This summer she will be performing the violin with the Richmond Symphony and recently learned that she was accepted into the IB program at Lucille Brown Middle School. When asked about earning a perfect score she said “I feel good and confident and my next SOL, when it comes, I won’t be so worried about it. I’ll know what to do.” She is very excited about participating with the Richmond Symphony and IB program and says she is very proud of herself. We are very proud of Sanaa!