Our students work so hard every year to improve and excel in their academics. Peter Paul also recognizes that having some fun once in a while is also important for healthy social development. That is why each Friday is dedicated to club activities. Clubs students can participate in include drum line, running club, and chorus club (just to name a few!). Students at both the Center and Fairfield Court Elementary School select their club for the year and on Fridays spread out to various spaces to enjoy one another through common interests. The students take great pride in their clubs. To honor their pride we give them the opportunity to show off what they have learned at the end of the year.IMG_8238

On the afternoon of May 13, the Center was buzzing with excitement and some nerves, as students and teachers made final preparations and rehearsals for the Peter Paul Review. When the time came, many family members and volunteers arrived to watch the variety of performances. SPARC, a long running partner of PPDC, put on a play, “The Not So Big, Bad Wolf.” The Basketball Club, known as The Ballers, showed off their agility and speed with offensive drills. And the Technology Club dissected two calculators and a hand-held phone to reveal what all goes in to the making of simple technology. Both the audience and students were brimming with smiles and applause as each group performed. The Peter Paul Review is a special time for the Center, its students, teachers, staff, and community partners. Thank you to everyone who attended!
