June e-News

 June - 2015 - Newsletter We have wrapped up another successful school year at Peter Paul. While we take time to reflect on our accomplishments, we know that our work is not done. We are looking ahead to a great summer planned for our students and community

What is UnBoundRVA?

PPDC Parent Family Network member and UnBoundRVA High Potential, Requel McKeever. PPDC and our Promise Family Network (PFN) has been selected as a Community Partner to help to identify “High Potential” candidates for UnBoundRVA’s breakthrough entrepreneur development program. UnBoundRVA’s founders, Richard Luck and Sarah Mullens have developed a process for building successful entrepreneurs

Summer at PPDC

Summer at Peter Paul is action packed with learning and fun! Students return after a two-week break and gear up for continued classroom learning, field trips, camp experiences and much more. A favorite for both kids and volunteers is the “Reading Buddies program. Volunteers visit the Center and Fairfield Court to read with students one-on-one or

Bumblebee Jamboree

PPDC student Kimaya bravely makes friends with a butterfly at the Bumblebee Jamboree. What do you know about bees? If you don’t know much, you’re not the only one. Maymont and the Master Gardner’s program of Richmond is here to fill in the gaps. On Saturday, June 13 Maymont Park hosted the second

Peter Paul Graduates

Ms. Knight, PPDC's Director of Education, awards Demario Lonzer with the Superman Award at Woodville's graduation ceremony. June brought scholastic recognition and celebration at PPDC with “moving on” ceremonies from local schools for our 5th and 8th graders. PPDC hosted the Fairfield Court Elementary “Moving On” ceremony for 5th graders in our auditorium

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