5th graders at Fairfield Court Elementary act out a scene of their skit at the Black History Month Program.

5th graders at Fairfield Court Elementary act out a scene of their skit at the Black History Month Program.

Every February the lives, achievements, and experiences of African Americans is celebrated and honored. At Peter Paul, students worked with teachers and volunteers to not only celebrate this month but showcase important history in the lives of African Americans.

PPDC@FCES celebrated Black History Month on March 11th with excellent portrayals of pivotal moments in history. Each grade level showcased a particular event, theme, or person. The second graders preformed a song and dance called Silver and Gold. The routine highlighted the importance of making friends regardless of skin color. The 3rd grade class learned about famous poets, which set the stage for their poetry performance. They wrote poems about characteristics of well-known African American poets and designed instruments to play while they recited their poetry. Fourth graders honored Eddie Murphy, Oprah Winfrey, and Will Smith for their contributions to television and comedy. They put on skits from the movies and sitcom Coming to America, The Color Purple, and The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Finally, 5th graders wrote and performed a play titled Unspoken. It featured several characters from a picture book. They had to create their act based only on the illustrations in the book. The feature depicted life as an African American in confederate America.

Family members, PPDC staff, and volunteers were in attendance to see the powerful presentations given by our students. While snow days delayed the Peter Paul Center’s Black History Month event, we plan to reschedule it for Wednesday, April 1 at 4:30 pm and hope to see you!