Authentic Resident Engagement and Community Outreach

RPN pg imgAs a fundamental approach, Richmond Promise Neighborhood focuses on keeping our residents and community informed and engaged. Our key accomplishments in these areas are described below.

Engaging Richmond

Engaging Richmond is a community-based research team born from a Richmond Promise Neighborhood needs assessment effort. Engaging Richmond’s creation and vitality is a direct result of RPN’s capacity-building efforts within the community. Further, a small group of engaged, energized residents have been central to the development of RPN, Engaging Richmond, and the community. These residents became volunteers in spearheading the effort and are still employees of the Engaging Richmond research team. They represent the community’s voice and have become subject matter experts on the social determinants that challenge East End community members. They continue to be indispensable voices for the community, leading RPN Action Teams, serving on the Leadership Team and on the RPN Advisory Board.

Info Feasts

Info Feasts have become a critical and dependable element of the RPN community fabric. These Info Feast_website pg img2community events bring together residents and service providers to share a meal and information in a way that builds trust and relationships. Each Info Feast has a theme. For example:

  • Dig into Reading (the importance and value of reading)
  • Powerful Parents (information about enhancing parenting skills)
  • Get Your Mind Right (strengthening mental health and wellness)
  • Everyday Counts (promoting school attendance)

Residents are provided with helpful resources at the Info Feasts, such as information on existing services, tips on accessing services, and forums addressing community challenges. Info Feasts also incorporate opportunities for family meal time, resident feedback, testimonies, and children’s activities and entertainment. Since they began in 2013, Info Feasts have become a “must-do” activity for many East End parents and their children, growing in attendance from 60 at the first event to over 370 at the most recent gathering in October 2014.