Ms. Laws, an East End Resident, gives her workshop on Rags to Riches.

Ms. Laws, an East End Resident, gave a workshop on Rags to Riches.

This month our Richmond Promise Neighborhood program offered a unique and first-time opportunity to the community. Calling it the Learnapalooza, Richmond Promise Neighborhood worked hand-in-hand with East End Residents to organize an event by the community, for the community. The concept was simple – provide a platform for Peter Paul neighbors and partners to share their knowledge and expertise with their fellow community members.

On Saturday, May 2, a beautiful and sunny day, residents, volunteers, and PPDC partners came together at the Center. In total 23 workshops on various topics were offered on a rotating cycle throughout the morning and afternoon. Ms. Laws, a lifelong Church Hill resident, demonstrated her skills in transforming old clothing into a new outfit, which she has been doing for 50 years. Ivy, a resident of Whitcomb Court, offered her knowledge in a workshop called Healthy Pregnancies, Happy Babies. As a mother of three and graduate of the Healthy Start program, Ivy covered good nutrition, parenting programs and resources, prenatal visits, advice about breast feeding, and much more. When students from the Center’s fifth grade class learned about the Learnapalooza, they asked if they could give a lesson on preparing healthy meals. On the day of the event, they had a big crowd of interested attendees for their demonstration on making a salad in a Mason jar and fruit smoothies.

Other workshops included home decor on a budget, being a good neighbor, and composting. In addition to its key organizers, Peter Paul could not have put on this event without the many volunteers and partners who contributed their time and resources. The Learnapalooza was a wonderful example of bringing our East End community together and recognizing the talent and potential of its residents.

All-star volunteers helped make the event a great success.

All-star volunteers helped make the event a great success.