We are so excited to announce that Chimere Miles has joined the Peter Paul staff team as our Community Advocate! Chimere has been involved with Richmond Promise Neighborhood and Peter Paul since 2011 as an outstanding volunteer and champion for the organization, the East End, and children. Her involvement and passion for our neighborhood made her the ideal candidate for this new position and we are thrilled that she is already making an incredible impact!Chimere


“I would not be here without meaningful relationships,” says Chimere. “In early 2011 my long-term friend/sister Chanel Bea invited me to what was supposed to be a quick meeting. The meeting was around starting a Richmond Promise Neighborhood collaborative effort here in the East End. There I met Gwen Corley Creighton who saw something in me I didn’t see in myself.


“For the past four years I had immersed myself in all things early childhood. Especially Richmond Public Schools’ Early Headstart programs. I had my first child attend the program. And there started my advocacy role in and out of the community. I was even allowed to travel to California to represent Richmond’s Early Headstart program. It was an honor.


“Gwen encouraged me to go deeper with my work and help focus on my community as well. Whatever Gwen was selling, I was buying! I jumped at the chance to become more involved with Richmond Promise Neighborhood as well as help provide direct services to my neighbors. As I learned, they learned.


“I went on to join Engaging Richmond — a community-based research team funded by the National Institute of Health. Engaging Richmond went on to complete a Needs Assessment for Richmond Promise Neighborhood to identify needs of East End residents. That was 2011; here in 2018, Engaging Richmond still exists and has worked on numerous projects. In 2013, I became the Co-Convener of the Richmond Promise Neighborhood Health & Wellness Action Team.


“Peter Paul has always been supportive of the community and individuals who reside within the community. Peter Paul always tries to ensure residents voices are present and represented.


“My role within the community as a go-to person paired with training through Engaging Richmond and Richmond Promise Neighborhood prepared me for my new role as the Community Advocate here at Peter Paul.”