May 2014 eNews

Like many months, May was a month of teamwork - both the constituencies at PPDC and external groups coming in to help with PPDC projects. PPDC is especially proud of the students and senior citizens who recently performed in the 3rd Annual Cultural Review. To read more, and for links to videos, click here for

April eNews is Here!

See what PPDC has been up to in April with our eNewsletter! PPDC staff helped with Fairfield Court Elementary's move to Clark Springs, students performed in a dance recital, and so much more!

March eNewsletter Now Available!

A highlight from the March 2014 eNewsletter: What Makes It All Worth It: A Parent's Response A mother of a PPDC 2nd and 3rd grader shares just how much PPDC has made a difference in her children's academics, "I love what Peter Paul does for my children, not just preparing them for tests, but for

February eNewsletter

Even with all of the snow days, the PPDC students stayed busy in February! Read about a recent field trip to the VMFA (and more!) in the February 2014 eNewsletter.

January eNewsletter is Available!

Check out what PPDC has been up to in the January 2014 eNewsletter! Even with all the winter weather, the students, staff, and entire PPDC family keeps busy. Read more in the eNewsletter about the Big Brothers Big Sisters "Big for a Day" event at PPDC depicted below.  

October eNewsletter is Up!

"Carving Memories" - the October eNewsletter is now up on our website! Check out the incredible things that happened at PPDC during the month of October. Our many thanks to Capital One for the incredible projects they completed during their "One Week!" More details are included in the eNewsletter!

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