September eNews 2022

Upcoming community events, student news, return of the lunch and learns, and more in September Newsletter!

We’re so happy to welcome our students, families, seniors, volunteers, and neighbors back to Peter Paul’s Coleman Center! Though things are a bit different this year, our commitment to those we serve remains the same. This year, we look forward to deepening the relationships with our core Peter Paul family and further focusing on the quality of our programming and the care we provide here at home. We’re excited to get back to us.


With that in mind, we invite you to stop by the center to volunteer, join us at a lunch and learn, or attend one of our community events. We’re happy to have you here. Please check out all of our updates below, and don’t forget to connect with us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for the latest announcements. Thank you for your continued passion for Peter Paul and our purpose to Educate the Child, Engage the Family, and Empower the Community.

To read full September eNews 2022 Publication Click the link above.