January eNews 2022

Winter updates, upcoming events, and more in January eNews (click here to read January eNews 2022).

Happy New Year:

Happy New Year! The team at Peter Paul sends well wishes to you and your families for a blessed 2022. As we reflect on 2021, we think about the many changes the past year has brought to the parents, students, seniors, and young adults of our community. We have all continued to face ever-growing challenges brought on by increasing COVID variants, a strained economy, and an overall stressful environment. Our parents have expressed the personal exhaustion they feel each day, paired with the uncertainty about how long this pandemic will last. They do their best to work through these emotions while continuing to go to work, be there for their children, take care of themselves, and make ends meet. We know you share some of these concerns as well.
 In response to our community’s needs, this winter we are focused on providing virtual and in-person programs that serve as the consistent, safe space we all need at this time. We are happy to share that we are currently serving about 220 students across six locations in partnership with Richmond Public Schools’ Extended Day Program, and offering a wide variety of in-person and virtual programs for our families and community members. The team meetings at Peter Paul remain centered around deepening our relationships with those we serve: creatively engaging our students in and outside the classroom, hosting an array of events focused on self-care and mental health, providing meals and essential items to those who need them, and keeping our young adults and seniors connected to their peers when they need each other most.
We know that many of you can relate to the feelings expressed here, and we invite you to stay connected and share space with us too (virtually or otherwise) as you can. Whatever challenges this new year may bring, we will do all WE can to remain connected to you, each other, and our community.
Check out all of our updates below, and find out how you can support our efforts. Don’t forget to connect with us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for the latest announcements. Thank you for your continued passion for Peter Paul and our purpose to Educate the Child, Engage the Family, and Empower the Community.